Can Poor Oral Health Cause Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic and complicated disease that affects how your body processes sugar—its main source of energy. Diabetes symptoms mostly affect your heart, eyes, …
How Clean Is Your Tongue?
“BRUSH YOUR TEETH for two full minutes twice a day and floss your teeth once a day.” You’ve probably lost count of how many times you’ve …
Don’t Take A Vacation From Oral Hygiene!
WITH THE ARRIVAL OF SUMMER comes the season of family vacations and exciting trips to new places. We’re as excited for it as our patients, but …
Repeat After Us: Teeth Are Not Tools
OUR TEETH ARE pretty amazing, and there’s a lot they can do. They chew our food, they provide structural support for the lower third of our …
Too Few Or Too Many Adult Teeth?
DEPENDING ON HOW MANY wisdom teeth come in and whether or not they have to be removed, most adults have 28-32 adult teeth. There are …
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s…Invisalign®!
If you have a crooked tooth, odd spaces between your teeth or a poor bite, you might be considering all of your orthodontic options. Orthodontics …
Get Your Beauty Sleep Back with Sleep Apnea Treatment
Do you have a spouse or loved one that complains about your snoring? Do you wake up in the middle of the night gasping for …
Taking Care Of Your Pet’s Teeth
IT’S EASY TO ASSUME that our pets don’t need dental care like we do. After all, wild animals can’t exactly brush their teeth, and that doesn’t …
Defeating Bad Breath
WE’VE ALL BEEN THERE BEFORE — sitting in the middle of a job interview or a first date and realizing that our breath is far from …
Is Your Little One Getting Enough Calcium?
Calcium. We regularly hear how important calcium is for our kids’ diets. It’s vital for healthy growth. Calcium is a building block for strong bones. …
Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?
IS A SIMPLE SPOONFUL of ice cream enough to make you cringe because of the pain in your teeth? Do you have to be careful when …
Our Favorite Quotes About Smiling
WORKING IN THE DENTAL health business, one of our favorite things to see is our patients’ smiles. So today, we thought we’d celebrate those happy faces …